Angel Seek

Yeshua Jewish king
As two thousand years ago, the saviour
was having his life and brought wisdom
and mercy close to all the ones longing
for a new period of religion.
As he commited miracles and teached of
wisdom not medieval but a expert point of view.
As he was named in italian world
Christ Jesus and was famous
because he had a view on wisdom
his time far beyond.
Some call him San Christie
Others call him the saviour,
the shepherd, the king of jews
or the king of peace.
As he teached about mercy
that its not being derived
by labour, work or by cost
as he gives his mercy to everyone
in the direction he likes.
As he was the saviour
some believe he is the saviour
others the shepherd
and all share his mercy for
a new life filled with
the grace of the Lord.
Jesus Christ as they tell
if one has a pure life
one attains heaven.
As they say, being grounded
in his Faith grants a reason
for a good life and a reason
for supporting society
working for a higher cause
and to come close to the Lord
by prayer and service.

Forgiveness of Christ
The billionaire paying debts grants a job
As Jesus Chrsit taught all to accept His mercy
to attain the citizensship in his kingdom of the Lord.
As he is called the Lord most High and when people
have sinned and cannot come close to the Lord
or the Allmighty God.
As he said, believe in me and thy sins
will be forgiven. As he is the bond
between those he forgave their debts
and the wisdom and support of the Lord.
To be forgiven at some churches is to
be baptized at others to say their creed.
The forgiveness give them the right to
adress the Lord, or God Allmighty their prayers
As he hears and answers all prayers given to Him.
As Christ is the Shepherd in a psalm they promise
a good life filled with compassion to the world
and filled with a meaningfull life.
As he forgives and grants the calling to a new life.
And give them a Task for the life and full living
and grants His mercy as well the right to ask
in prayer all things needed.
Jesus Christ, the Saviour by forgivenes granting
all people in need, in wish a mercy best for them.
As when people are in evil waters
and cannot cope life for themselves
and are in surrender to life
to find an answer to their problems
as they even want a solution
with the obligation of a kind of payment
in religious intents.
The Lord listens to all of them
and can grant them a prayer of
becoming christian.
As to be saved from hardship,
and to become a servant to the Lord.
As Christ is the saviour
he saves those who get lost.
as even the bible tells.
It is not known by which method
he always interferes, or
in which visible manner
they are saved.
As when the saviour
saves people,
they are in his protection
and mercy. thus being
under his mercy regarding law
and all human rights.
As is the explanation
based on both bible
and insight.

Without sin brought to the Lord Allmighty
In het geloof kan men ook door boetedoening
verzoend worden met God.
Immers sommigen zeggen ik wil God geen onnodige
kosten laten betalen als ik het zelf kan voldoen.
Soms noemen ze het boetedoening, verzoening
soms een zware levenstaak. Welke naam men ook geeft.
In mijn optiek is het gelijkwaardig met de vergeving.
Immers beide zijn manieren om verzoend te worden
en de Heere zal zeker luisteren naar ene oprecht gebed.
As Jesus Christ is the King of Peace and the Lord
of the kingdom of the Jews, the holy land.
As people forgiven can pray by the name of Christ
and can be part of the mercy by the payment
of their sins by the goodness of Christ.
As there are many people who have not sinned
or are in surrender or self-sacrifice
by which they do not need forgiveness
as they receive His reconciliation.
The part of unification with the Lord most High
and the God Allmighty.
As one has not sinned is by Christ unified
with the Lord Himself as being pure does
not need a punishment.
As one has surrendered both karma,
both goodness, both deficits are in the
hands of the god or Lord Allmighty.
As to be reconciled one can ask
to have an atonement or penance given
by the God or Lord Allmighty.
As to pay by the atonement
one does not need forgiveness
but by the power of Christ
comes near to the Lord Him or Herself.
The penance done in order of the Lord
gives the chance to pay for all sins
and become pure again.
As Christ both offers forgiveness and
penance one has the free choice to
attend the mercy of Jesus Christ.
As the forgivenes has the obligation
to pray by the name of Jesus Christ
and the reconciliation offers
a direct bond with the Lord
as some catholic books say
allow to praye to the archangels too.
As the atonement or penance is
the paying for sins, no one knows
as the Lord is unintellegible
what life one gets or how its filled
with the glory of the Lord.
As a note on penance,
it is mostly combined
with a life-ordeal asked in prayer
As one is spoken free or mentioned pure
one has a bond with the Lord Himself.
as one is not depending on forgiveness.
As combined with a life-ordeal
one has sometimes the chance
to surrender to the Allmighty One.

Arch angel Michael
Mercy of the Angels
As one says, beng protected by the Lord
gives both safety and a fruitfull life.
As one says asking an archangel for protection
grants the pure and joyous life with the
freedom of a child of the Lord.
Asking archangel Michael for
protection and mercy grants an
invisible border for all suffer
and vice.
As the permission of praying to
arch angel Michael when in danger, problems
or in evil wheather.
As he protects all goodness,
and is a protector against all evil.
If you pray to Him,
his radiance will hear the prayers
and he as other angels hears with
compassion, as he is the great angel
who can battle evil. as he knows all humans
are with human personality.
As well that angels if they would need
are allowed to praye too.
Archangel Michael granting his
mercy, is being the most powerfull
mercy provided in christianity.
As angels in christianity
are visioning with the omnipresent
of the Holy Lord, by thus
seeing all things coming before
the people can act out on others.
As Archangel Michael one of
the powerfull angels as being
the patron of Police grants the
balance of peace in life.
As his protection is given
to the soul of the man as well.
As one attaining this protection
is for the full life after it.
As one can ask Archangel Michael
to heal of sickness and diseases.
As when he heals people would
have great joy.
And if he heals he only would
like to surrender to Christ
as to give the soul safety as well
As its not always certain that
healing is possible, its the prayer
that would proof, and if some longs
for healing a prayer would surely be
heard, even when getting an answer.
So the prayer Archangel Michael
please heal me from this disease
As archangel Michael is the prince of angels
as being regarded in function of the allmighty one
the angel holding order, and holding all
the powers of the Lord.
As he is prince of angels,
The Lord himself is the King
as we depict the Lord as
the omnipresent, allknowing
and allmightyness
as archangels have the highest bodies
as to say, with the love, wings
and the powerfull appearance.
The lord above the angels have
not a physical appearance.
As to ask the mercy of an
archangel is sometimes
confirmed at the time asked
in prayer
and sometimes being a
border to all other powers
as evil, or intent of lower nature.
As some people say
the mercy of an archangel
is seeing double numbers
sometimes in bills, receipts
but as with time is sometimes
also visible.
As archangels do not
grant the highest societal function,
and are not known by which path they
guide a person.
So the mercy of an archangel
grants a life of worth
a life of grace
but inconceivable in
their use of treating
their subjects.
As archangels are bound
to the holy name of the Lord
but as the holy book tells
its an unspeakable name
As the names of the archangels
are in jewish language as even
the meaning is by a jewish translation.

Surrendering to Christ
Mercy of the Angels

The possibility to surrender to Jesus Christ
is to accept Him as the Full Source.
To surrender is to give your life in His hand
as He will use it for His Holy Kingdom
As to surrender is to give all rights
to Him, for He will form and reform
it to a new life full of meaning.
As to surrender is to give your birth Karma
the best way to be resolved.
As in birth karma, both chances
as well punishment or reward are
being part of it.
Even the most weak person has in karma
reward and chances.
Surrendering to Christ is to give
the ownership to Him.
As when he receives your Life
he will as promise give
your life a safe goal.
Making you a good home at heaven
after it.
As Jesus holds all mercy as
the Son of God, as he never
sinned or diverted from the Lord
he can give all mercy possible
and decides when or where to grant
and as he has been human
understands all human fears.
To give life to Him is to
allow it to be changed for the
purpose seen by Him.
As examples are found in
christian literature
and mostly important roles
making society a jump into the
future are being led by Him.
For example the first black
female judge in the states.
As to surrender to Christ is
to become a servant or instrument to him.
As the body is the instrument
a gift of mother Earth to the person
to fulfill the quest of life.
Therefore surrendering to Christ
does not immediate give an angels body
but makes the body the instrument,
As all humans do not own the body
but is a gift of Mother Earth,
as after life she takes it back.
If one surrenders, the theory is
that after life they receive a body
of an angel, expressing the love of
the Lord.
Therefore if the body is an instrument
and is property of the Earth, this
body alone will not get other features
than normal Human.
As this body serves the soul,
and the soul in surrender is part
of the Godhead and therefore
follows the will of the godhead.
As the vivid example of people
surrendered to Christ are the saints.
As Christopher the saint,
was carrying Christ
and Christ became heavier,
then Christ carried him.
Therefore being rescued and
the heavy child Christ,
was getting heavier
untill the saint surrendered,
then Christ carried him.
As this example tells that
all the saints have during
their life surrendered to Jesus Christ.
As to surrender to Christ is to
accept his love of his guidance
for the full life after it.
As the feeling of thankfullness
that he reforms life to a fruitfull one.
As the feeling of joy that life
is within boundaries and his protection is secure.
As his love will change your life
and your life will be of goodness
for the world
Over het levensoordeel

Platonic relationship
Adressign roles of the Lord most High
As Jesus Christ regarded the Lord as His father
and in that role received the blessing of the Lord
As he regarded the Lord as His father he
was bound by being obedient to the Lord
as he was crucified and accepteed the punishment
for having the surrender to his Father the Lord.
As other roles in religion are in other religions
as well having like Krishna as boyfriend for
the gopi female shepherds.
As the role for growing in both devotion
and mercy is to regard the Lord as the
platonic relationship.
As platonic means no intimicy or sexuality.
And by relationship as being a soul mate
of each other.
This platonic relationship is supported
by prayer, as to have the name of the Lord
living on the lips.
As a male person attracts a female by
sharing gifts, and asking each other
all important subjects.
To regard the Lord as platonic relationship
gives the Lord the possibility to share
his wisdom, his mercy and his love and compassion
with you.
As we on earth say,
everyone has parents but a lovelife
is your own choice.

Christian Prayers
Getting the mercy of the Lord most High
All these prayers are examples to pray as these
are to get and receive the blessing of the Lord most High
As the trinity can be adresses freely by these wishes
As the blessing of the Lord is the ultimate goal of all prayers
as one asks for health, others for safety or prosperity
as well guidance or the art of prayer.
May these be prayerd by speech, whisper as the Lord hears.
Oh Jesus Christ Saviour come to my support
Oh Christ grant me your mercy and your name.
Oh Christ save me from peril.
Oh Christ i long to become a saint.
Oh Lord take me in your mercy and protection.
Oh Lord teach me how to pray.
Oh Lord educate me and grant me wisdom.
Oh Lord Make me your servant.
Oh Lord forgive my sins and set me free.
Oh Lord give me good health.
Oh Lord grant me prosperity.
Oh Lord grant me a good job.
Oh Lord grant me the fullfilment of my wishes.
Oh Lord look in my heart.
Oh Lord give me wisdom.
Oh Lord guide me.
Oh Lord most High, i surrender to you
Oh Allmighty One i surrender to you
Oh Holy Spirit grant me understanding

Bound by the Holy Heart
Surrendering after getting proof
As one receives the mercy of Christ,
and learns how big his influence is.
For example asking him for better grades at university
and by the marvel of getting them, one learns that
Christ is really above normal intelligence.
As for me, when receiving better graded
i as i felt that Christ was really big,
i asked Christ to change my goal and lifegoal
to his decision.
As for having the mercy of Christ,
one has according to other religions
karma which is to be resolved during life.
As to take him as source and faith,
He fullfills all birth karma and also changes
life to the golden plan he has.
As one surrenders to Christ,
almost all people including servants
need proof before surrendering
as to ask him to proof,
he fulfills the questions
and can proof his living mercy.
As one surrenders, His intelligence
is leading and one is taken above normal feelings.
As the proverb that all things done
are not by selfish intelligence
but out of his power.
It is about Christ, and about
the sermon of the hill,
that those with pure heart will know the Lord
and with the bond and connection of the
Holy Heart.
As a pure heart is not with dirt
by the mind or other sources.
As by the vow of the holy heart,
is the feeling of joy to serve the Lord
and the feeling of love by receiving his
daily grace.

Many names and forms
I went to the deepest ocean and the highest mountain
As i was travelling through countries and lands,
through mountains and lakes.
I heard the king of England praying to Jesus Christ,
I heard the king of Sweden praying to the Allmighty One
I heard the king of the Netherlands praying to Archangel Michael
As i was travelling from the mountain of kilimanjaro
were the local people jumped over cliffs and rocks
and sailed from the snowtop to the lake with their huts.
As i was travelling from the lowlands of the ocean
were the people swam in rury water and dived for
pearls without oxygen.
As i travelled the air and the upper hemisfere
i flew as birds without fear from the highest wind
to the stillness of the sunlight.
Everywhere i sailed, swam and climbed
i saw them calling one name.
Many languages and many different colors
but all were in deep conversation to their name.
As i heard all the names they were calling
As their mother and father teached them,
As in their education they learned them,
and all were in wonder for flying swimming and climbing.

The mercy to the worlds
All worlds being visited at His time Vrouwe aller volkeren
As the gospel of Christ is for everyone on the world
to accept and to teach.
To receive his mercy for a good life,
and for having profit because of him.
As some receive the gospel by
friends, teachers, churches,
some receive the gospel when
Christ meets them in the heart.
As he tells, when one is ready and
is meeting him, they both
have meal together, spiritually
and is teached his mercy.
As to meet him in the heart
is getting his mercy on his behalf.
If one is by church receiving the gospel
is to accept the mercy as given by the church
either the holy heart, the saviour or
the role they in church share.
As to receive his mercy is lifelong
for as he grants, and for those
who have temporary mercy and can
abject it, it is as long as they
choose to attend
As for everyone meeting in the heart
receive the mercy, if they are in attention
for both recognizing or accepting it.
As all who hear his voice and answers
are by birth belonging to Him.
As our earth received his gospel
and his appearance two thousand years ago.
They might say, why did he not appear in these
times as the gospel would far more have good
The answer is, he decides when to attend a world
and grant his mercy.
As is said, he travels to all worlds
as the saviour and grants his mercy
in the way he likes.
Those who accept, and those worlds
who accept are granted his Mercy.
For earth was visited two thousand years ago,
like meeting a person in the heart and asking
if the person wants to believe and get faith.
All the worlds are visited by Him and granted
the mercy he wants to offer.
And the worlds accepting with reverence get
the full mercy, the others as much as they
receive of him.

Mercy of the Cross of Christ
Earning his compassion
As an unknown kind of mercy of Christ,
Some accept Christ as saviour,
other as shepherd, or the lord as father.
As the cross of christ is a part of his
tale and talk in the bible and conversations.
A kind of mercy not prooved in the bible
is the cross of christ.
In a region far away they see the cross of christ
as a kind of mercy to attain all other types
of mercy.
To be on the cross of Christ with Christ
is to suffer his pain and his agony
and by this sacrifice or compassion
with Christ he rewards you by his gift
of mercy he likes and he sees fit for you.
As being longer at the Cross gives more mercy
because the easy task or obligation of Christ
is to suffer with him, and therefore earning
his mercy.
As this kind of mercy is not on a real visible cross
and not by giving pain at purpose but as a spiritual
kind of earning a better position in life.
As someone said,
if you think you do not earn at all the mercy of Christ
because you are a sinner or expelled from society
this kind of mercy as its for the individual,
ggives the chance by compassion of Christ,
by showing your own compassion to earn mercy,
As some monestaries far away, care for the bodies
while the soul is at Christ and his cross.
And some even after an hour at the cross are
being treated friendly by their surrounding,
Others spend years at the cross and earn the
high gospel of compassion, as Christ can
shower his mercy on the devotees when they
servie him in unselfish manner.
The cross of Christ as a kind of mercy
far away a living source of the highest
gifts of Jesus Christ
As the meaning of this is that
Jesus shows you the suffering as it happens
to yourself. as he says all living
when seeing others suffer say its not me
i am safe and without responsability
but when he shows you the suffer
as yourself you are with compassion to it
and when praying for all the suffer
and enduring this hardship
with the important aspect
that its not real suffer
or selfcaused suffer
and medicines or treatment
does not help.
As the cross of Christ
when beared like this
grants the mercy of Christ
and the longer one attends
this faith one is in attention of Christ
and he grants all kinds of mercy
out of the Treasury of the Lord most High.
As its not in reality as wisdom
teached its not fully certain if
its true.
As its an intuitional insight
and by prayer, it would be wisdom
about how to earn in an easy way
mercy which otherwise would be
almost impossible because either
special religious groups, or
high kinds of initiation
or wisdom already lost on earth.
As they say all work being done
for the sake of religion is rewarded
by the Gods and the Lord most High
As sometimes said,
comapssion with the suffer of
the Lord most High, Jesus Christ
is rewarded with his Love and friendship

The mountain to be climbed
The road to be at heaven's port
Climbing the mountain to reach my purpose
To vision the goal and wishes for the eternal fame.
I arranged my crew and bought the food
i planned the trip far ahead a thousand years ago.
For my mountainclimb would be the purpose
of stars far above, reaching heaven.
I started to climb and saw many herbs
and flowers, just as no citizen has seen.
I climbed the mountain,
flowers and herbs nevr touched by
human hand, and me the first to see.
I climbed the mountain,
i saw trees of everlasting beauty,
and the green leaves never fading color.
I climbed the mountain,
my crew asked for food and the rations
were split, and divided in portions.
I climbed the mountain,
and i saw above the trees the
rocksolid of a life filled with grace,
As above the trees the air was cool
and the air was fresh.
I climbed the mountain,
and above the trees stepped on
the rocksolid, as the stars
at confirmation of status feels
they are on solid ground.
I climbed the mountain
and the crew asked for water
as the thirst the only reason
to drink. the sages and their message.
I climbed the mountain,
and i saw above the rocksolid a layer
of emerald green. As the vision
never seen until one reaches this step.
I climbed the mountain,
and the emeralds blinked in
pure air, without clouds,
and as an expensive collar
on a ladies neck.
I climbed the mountain,
and the emeralds turned to blue
sapphire, and diamond and unknown
stones only seen at this step.
I climbed the mountain,
and my crew was with greed,
they lost their rations
and put in the diamonds and stones
of high value.
I climbed the mountain,
and saw above the diamonds
blinking an unusual glance
Pure gold or even more precious.
I climbed the mountain and the
sun and solar orb showed me
gold at many coins and nuggets.
And to be in greed would fall
for the last step of climbing
I climbed the mountain,
and reached out for a the purpose
of all times, the unity to be on top
looking down.
I climbed the mountain,
all wishes vanished to be just one
being united at the top.
and never walking down.
As water was at mountain
a ration ever replenishing,
and food as ration was even
more tasting than the diamonds looked.
A climb on a mountain as
to find a goal, everlasting
beauty in the spring fountain
of youth.
Everlasting wisdom at the
philosophers stone.
Everlasting gold
at the alchemist goal
At the top of the mountain,
one reaches for the goal
of sages, ever living in heaven
till the next morning of eons
give them a new birth
a reason to climb again.

The Mercy of Christ
Every human being having an instrument calls himself to be
part of society. and by havign faith takes life serious
as the belief in heaven and hell gives a serious intent
to make life to the best.
As the question of happiness and suffer gives the
meaning if the gods know our pain and siffer and why
they not take it away.
As in a life before this we were granted a gift of god
to have a body to be happy in and to fullfill the life
purpose to the fullest.
Because we had that chance and did not take it,
we this life are granted the body able to not be perfect
and to suffer and make mistakes.
As therefore this life is with pain and with
a kind of discernment we do not always see
mistakes, or problems before they come
or be prevented.
And as they say, if we did do wrong in former lives
and for exampke stole someones car or expensive property,
in this life the gods say you have to suffer under
the same crime as you committed.
Therefore if you stole a precious gift in
former lives, this life its stolen from you
with the same kind of suffer belonging to it.
There fore, if one in life on earth does misschief,
after life goes to hell, and has to suffer
under the same price.
This reciprocity is a law binding all creatures
in reality.
As the mercy of Christ is bound to the person
and its possibilities, to make life best.
The mercy gives the person a good purpose
and supports good living, but the person
still has karma which has to be resolved,
therefore the mercy of Christ is after life
when paid for karma and worked for Christ.
As he gives all new chances a good outcome.
The mercy of Christ therefore
grants a good life, but does not take away
all suffer and hardship

body instrument
We loan the body of Earth, treat her well
As God gives us life and the ability to reach out for Him.
As the Lord grants us several blessings,
Work at a decent level,
a relationship with a nice man or woman.
As all people share the gift of a body at birth
and to by education learn to behave in society.
As some follow their wishes to learn
what in life makes them happy.
Others who have hardship or have
devotion. chooses to follow a religion.
As all people share a body,
given at birth.
The body is not property,
but an instrument that is lend to
us, that is loaned to us
but Earth.
As this body is not our property,
we are more or less obliged to use it
in the right manner,
not hurting it, not damaging it.
If in life one uses its instrument
in the good way, and uses it peacefully
one deserves a better instrument
in next life.
Comparing it to have a gift of
a watch, a simple one is less
worse to be broken than an expensive one.
The comparison,
if a child gets a watch,
and uses it at school, on the playground
and when he demolishes it and
throws it away and then asks a new one.
The parents will give a simple on,
of less value,
If another child gets a watch,
cleans it daily and at the playground
stores it in a locker and is very tidy with it.
this child deserves a more expensive watch.
So if the body is not property,
using it in the right fashion,
grants in a next life, a more
expensive, more vulnarable
or with more capabilities.
As the body is not property,
and belongs to earth. itself
does not need a redemption.
To convert to a religion,
is also to treat the body well.
Therefore treating the body well
unlocks a better next life
with an instrument of higher value.
For example living longer,
better instinct or intelligence,
internal protection to all diseases.
less chance fore addiction.
The theory,
if we would have the body as property,
loosing it as death would loose property,
as its property of earth,
and after earth the body ends in earth,
for Her its not loosing anything.

Contemplatieve orde van het Heilig Hart
As sometimes the question arises if a special
community can be appointed for the service to the angels and gods.
And how its organized.
As inthe days of Fransiscus his order for poverty and disease
was more important, and now is part of the law system
now meditation can be more important
as two sides of the mercy of the Holy Heart.
As we ask the Holy Spirit to support us.
This rule of monasteries is an example and is
a document which weekly is updated.
As written in dutch.
The document in dutch,
De regel van Bastiaan, het credo van Communie
Contemplatieve orde van het Heilig Hart
zoals vroeger het Heilig Hart in de orde van Fransicus
meer op de voorgrond was en nu armoede en ziekte in de wet ingebed zijn
En nu de meditatievorm meer op de voorgrond ligt.
Wij vragen de Heilige Geest om ons bij te staan.
We ask the holy spirit to support us.
stil gebed als heilige communie
Klooster regel pdf

Builder race
The myth of a time far past
Our earth as well all intelligent creations in the universe
were builded and formed by the builder race.
As some stories of Creation tell about them
Some called them Creator,
other named them the Godly Builders.
As its a myth they existed and were cause
of all intelligent species with their worlds.
This Builder race,
as we humans on earth are with human appearance
they who created us would have the same form.
The difference would be,
they used their souls with their heightened
intelligence, their spontaniouty to
be intelligent far above and beyond
our possibility.
As we need eighteen years to be scholard
for a job or a function in society,
and we live a hundred years.
They would reach the millions of years,
and an ongoing education of thousands of years.
This builder race, as the myth tells us
have been at the Creation of Earth
making day and night,
making food and water,
making as the ecosystem holds all
living beings to work together
the planteaters to be eaten by predators,
the predators to be eaten by insects.
all as a living radarwork.
This builder race, no one knows
how to adress them, to get to know them,
To be educated about them.
They might be far away still
creating worlds with life
with sentient life.
They might be far away,
creating life to
exist for a million years,
even after a million years still
life with a purpose,
life with a goal,
life with consciousness
consciousness not fading away.
This Builder race,
Able to build intelligent
and sentient life.
We were made to their resemblance.

For those who want not to commit
As on earth the christian religion or faith
is to ensure a way of life, of living
or to be part of a social structure.
As some do not want to commit to a source
and to be obliged to either read the bible
or to live according rules and commandmants.
To not be christian is natural for some
who want to be independent.
As those want some methods for living too
some small and simple things to have at hand.
By prayer, not to the lord or christ,
but to adress them to the angels.
Both angels by name or plural to angels
as they are not only christian and do
not demand to read any scripture or book.
The second, if non christian and not
believing in the life ordeal according to
christian doctrin, believing
in a ordeal only judging
being good or bad in life,
or if good deeds superceeds the bad one
in life.
As good deeds, hold the job you have,
the care for partner and children,
the volunteer job you have
or the philontrophy.
AS the third one to
choose a virtue to have as
the primal one in life.
As the prayers
May the angels judge,
or may the angels come to aid,
or May the angels rescue

Jesus said, let them come freely
For those who are christian and have children,
in the bible is described about them
that Jesus said,
let the children come to me,
not being abjected or regulated
by his disciples.
This gives the meaning
that for adults the mercy of Christ
is set, by the use of churches and
But for the children,
they may adress Christ
withouth being bound to rules
Therefore a child may ask Christ
can i be a child of you,
can you be my shepherd.
As the children are free,
as Christ said may they come freely to me.
As the children are not bound
by conditions and are allowed
as Jesus promises they receive
the blessing regardless of
rules of sin, or regulations.
As for parents they can as they wish
give or grand their children to Christ.
As He will support their nurture into
good adults.

Life's ordeal prayer
A serious prayer
As Christians read in the bible
That Christ will represent them in
the final ordeal or life's ordeal.
As the prayer to receive the judgement of
the Lord, or God'allmighty or the Creator
is a serious one.
The theory is that when life ordeal
is being taken place three possible outcomes
The prayer of ordeal is one is pure or judged
positive, the Creator adds to the end of the life.
As one is spoken free of guilt or sin
or has justified everything.
When one is spoken free, the Creator
governs the remaining part of life,
therefore not directly needing the
forgiveness of Christ.
As the ordeal to other gods,
for example the ordeal of the Allmighty one
Himself, is not about having the highest
status, or rank but if you kept pure.
If at the Allmighty one your heart
kept pure, you are taken in his mercy.
As all gods and angels can give an ordeal
and a very serious choice for the adept
or the one.
The second outcome is one is not pure,
or having sin, the question for penance
can be removing the segregation
between the Lord or the gods and the person.
When penance in governing of the gods is done
no one knows which appearance a penance will take.
But having a medicine regards the period to be
fullfilled which makes it a very serious prayer.
The third, in no prayer about ordeal
one can attain the faith of a religion
known in the world.
For its a very serious ordeal
as when at some gods is ordeald
as guilty one is being given
pain or a virus causing very
large suffer, be sincere with
such an ordeal.
As its not predictable
which outcome will happen,
be very serious with it,
As its not known if angels
grant their mercy of going
through in the good way

By name and quest
Our names as the lifetask
In our known world, with all the languages
cultures and countries we have a name
more than one name, or a symbol to our person.
As we are born, our parents tell the name
as official and as the local goverment
makes it lifelong active.
The name of a child as the parents create
can be one or more names and the surname
of the parents.
the first names, one of them is a calling name
or nickname.
As the names chosen by the parents, some from
grandparents or family members of before.
Some think of names they like.
As a name, mostly in the past used
by famous, important or people with a
As each name in the past is used
by a person being important with
a specific job or quest, or lifetask
As this name bound by that lifetask
they fullfilled is repeating this task
for the children who received the name.
As one has two names,
there are two parts of a lifetask.
For example the name bastiaan,
is bound by a lifetask,
in my opinion to endure all hardship
in life. to endure suffering
As its an inner task without being
visible to the outside.
As for example another name can
be the task of archangel michael
as the soldier of God,
and one having the name,
are called to fight in the kingdom of God.
As all names are bound by a lifetask
either intern or extern.
As one fullfills this task,
the theory is, a fullfilled task grants
the eternal reward of these names.
As the names given from past important
people they themselves already received
eternal grace.
As an addition,
the namegivers, as holy people or angels
can grant a lifetask and is not precisely the
task they had theirselves, as an angel
has a task greater than one human life.

Law for the human and the soul
Meaning of difference crime and sin
As on earth most countries have a syst1em of laws
to ensure safety, cooperation, and living
As on earth laws are described by law books
and by the use of judges giving borders to
all spoken ordeals.
As laws are applicable to humans
and applicables to any human involved
in either a crime or a misuse of anything.
As law is applicable to the human form.
for all humans and all visible and non-visible
As the humans have their laws
the soul has the law too,
as for the law for all human souls
is described in holy books
and scriptures.
As for the soul the law
is the ten commandments
and the rule of compassion
and the action of philantrophy.
As well the rule to forgive others.
As the holy book is the law for the soul
the countries law book is for the human form.
Therefore, one of the laws for the soul
is to bring into prayers all subjects.
therefore everything visible for the Lord
by prayer cannot be a sin anymore.
The question if the Lord forgives,
is sin or crime still accountable
is the human form is subject to law
the law of the country and bound
by the identity in the country.

Priests and celibatic vows
A life in the grand support of the Lord
As in the bible tells
the ones without any relationship yet,
can serve the godhead himself.
As the ones without relationship,
as without any intimicy,
are in service to the lord.
the ones with relationships serve
This in catholic church means
that pastors, priests are
without relationship,
thus in celibacy.
As well those in monestaries
pledge to celibacy.
As some fairy tales tell
that virgin girls
have special powers.
to foretelle the future
as well certain gifts
of wisdom, good deeds,
and others.
As people with an unbroken
celibatic vow are by prayer
and by bond being unified with
the Lord.
As its a myth that an unbroken
bond with the Lord, and
by celibatic vow grants certain kinds
of mercy.
Other religions tell as well
these kinds of gifted ones.
The ones in hinduism being
The godess Athene of
greek old religions.
To keep an unbroken vow
needs a person without
any relationship yet.
And to keep the vow,
a strong heart,
or a prayerbond is needed.

Saints and Angels
The devoted life and its goal
As the stages in christianity are bound
by the holy book of the bible
as the central book to give people
both the mercy, the explanation
and the use of prayer
as well the expression of rituals
by the compassion to all including
infirm, poor or degraded.
As the saints are in surrender to
the Lord most High, as Christ is the Saviour.
As the angels are with the suffix
el, as to be bound to angels
of the jewish tradition.
as El Shaddai is their source
of surrender.
As the name of El Shaddai means
the Omnipotence, or Allmighty One.
As to reach this stage is
to have sincere devotion
with the full intent of
serving the Lord most High
or serving the Omnipotence.
As all angels with suffix
of el, are by the name of the
Allmighty One, as in each language
this title has a name.
This makes Archangel Michael
and Archangel Gabriel
to be in source of the jewish
name El- Shaddai.
As a sidestep into Hinduism
where Brighu surrendered to
the Allmighty One.
This is a genuine step
in all religions,
being possible to all
when in sincere devotion
with the Godhead as
the prime goal to reach in life
As one steps in youth on the
path of religion one reaches
the goal whenever the godhead
allows, or grants His mercy.
saints surrendered to Christ
or the Lord most High
or Father Allmighty.
As angels surrenderd to
the Omnipotence, the Allmighty One.
As examples are the angels,
Michael and Gabriel.
with the suffix El,
as the sign of El Shaddai.
Which is the jewish title
for the Omnipotence.

Honoring the ancestors
Respecting your forefathers and your lineage
Some parts on the world are with a different religion,
or tradition as its sometimes called
As these parts, are not reaching out for prayer
to a god goddess or angel,
they are giving their vow to their ancestors,
As the ancestors bless those who are in reverence to them.
As the ancestors with a similar kind as saints
can give prosperity when the offspring
put flowers at the spot, or other substances.
As the tradition of honoring your ancestors,
is a theme on the world not very different.
As the theory is that when people die,
from any cause and on any time
they reach the world or place of the ancestors.
As its in hinduism called pitri loka,
where the spirits have no real physical body
but yet endowed with a spirit and spirtual body
As these spirits can with hands unseen cause
prosperity for their offspring,
and can cause hardship if they forget
their lineage.
As honoring the ancestors, can give the
same blessing as coming near to a saint or angel
as the Creator left several paths on earth to
reach out for the life goal.
As ancestors, have lived, and when did and
completed their life task, or obligation
they are spirits who can help others
as they have seen all things during life
from hapiness to hardship.
As they say honoring the ancestors
can give a blessing.
As these spirits who have finished their life,
sometimes are in doubt themselves, as they
leave their body behind, and are not
able anymore to talk about.
As they can be frightened and feel
they might have missed part of life and its goal
and are in need for their wisdom to
be supported to give life its meaning
and to give a place in the lineage.
As when they have spirit bodies,
they still can be in prayer,
and in prayer as religions give
to all people and souls.
As these spirit bodies can influence
all life on earth, as they can bless
The idea in christianity is that
these spirit bodies, as the saints
are described in catholic church
can be part of devoted life
as some speak to the Lord as Christ
and its Father
As some speak to the Archangels
to ask their support
as some speak or ask saints
to be of support or guidance.
As when spirits loose their
physical body,
they still can visit places
of angels and saints
who educate them.
The education given
by saints or angels
is for them legitimate.
as they still can
These saints and angels
educating the ancestors,
when they want or are in need
As spirits therefore can
receive education at the spots
religions grant.
As the spirits longing for
a new life, can ask these religions
spots for the blessing of a good life.
May our ancestors be honored for
their tasks during life.
May our ancestors have peace
in heaven and their abodes.
May our ancestors be spoken
of in respect by us and our offspring.
May our ancestors be honored
for their bloodline.
artikel bergrede

Sermon of the mountain
Mercy of the mountain as blessings
As Christ gave its sermon on the mountain,
as the closest of disciples were there.
As Chrsit gave its sermon on the mountain,
as its the masterpiece of his gospel
He said everyone surrendering to me,
will receive the blessing of the
mark given on the mountain.
Those pure of heart after surrender
will see The Creator, The Father.
Those small at mind, and thinking
will reach the kingdom of heaven.
As close to pure of heart is those who
seldom think.
Those who are soft will inherit
the earth and its leadership.
Those who suffer will
be comforted
As the sermon of the mountain
specifies the mercy given after surrender
As Christ spoke these words of
wisdom of the Lord, the Father
he saith this gospel will last
a thousand years if not after
eternity its still found.
As many christians ask
when will people receive this
gift of spoken at the mountain,
and the answer is, when they surrender
to Jesus Christ and the trinity.
As the sermon of the mountain expounds
the highest mercy of the Lord most High.
As all roles receives their ultimate reward.
There is the one about the pure of heart.
As they hold their vow of being pure
in their willpower and their actions.
The Lord most High tells they will
see God in his form, or radiance.
and as the pure of heart
do see the Lord he gives them
in a very personally manner
his Wisdom.
As he shows them a diamond
and beams his light through it,
as being a rainbow in colors.
As these pure of heart
as they receive it as wisdom
are allowed to write about it,
and being very good at both writing
and other means.
As to write about the lord,
and as seeing his characteristics
as He shows them.
For example to write about archangels
is only given when the Lord teaches
the person in his own intelligence.
Thereby the treasure of the Lord
is given to the pure of heart.
as the experience of some adepts.
This as an example that the
soft persons will inherit earth
and its leadership
with the example they are
the leaders of the united nations
of large nations and other types
of leadership.
As the Lord gives them the mercy
they attain it by working with their
own hands. as he inspires them in
every choice and work,
as well the daily duty.
This as being an example
about the richness and shine
of the Lord Himself.
as he has a relationship
with everyone personally.
and always hear them
without the conditions of others.
or without comparing with others.
as he takes us all without
judging us for either good or bad
weak or high.

centering prayer
By a small prayer we receive the blessed life he grants us
As in churches of Christ, there is the
prayer adressing our father with the central meaning
being most important.
As to receive his blessing that his will leads
the world to worldpeace,
and to give is daily our share of living,
to both eat, sleep in a safe home.
and to follow his commandments.
As the centering prayer,
one can use this our father prayer
but we can use other prayers as well.
In monasteries its commonv
to use the prayer:
Please saviour come to our support.
Saviour give us mercy.
And a longer variant
can both use central words and meaning
and use the method to desrcibe wishes
and feelings.
As the centering prayer
Lord most High take us in your
Mercy and Protection.
As well the same prayer to the Allmighty One
Oh Allmigthy One, Omnipotence,
Take me in your mercy and protection
As the variant.
Oh lord most high
i ask your attention.
and after it the description,
of either a wish, a feeling or a complaint.
As all prayers grant the light
of the Lord in its answer.
As when one asks,
am i allowed to pray about this feeling,
its the prayer to adress the Lord
may i saviour bring this subject in prayer.
As when it is allowed,
one will notice the freedom
to express it in prayer.
As a kind of centering prayer
which is valid in all religions is
the next one:
Your will be done
(as well saying in my life)
Uw wil geschiedde
(ook in mijn leven)
And another one.
Oh Lord teach me
Heer, onderwijs mij
As you can add the name of the godhead
in front of, and then repeat it as a
prayer and mantra.
As its already working when repeating
for three times.

The gospel of Andreas, Andrew Apostle
A representation of the gospel according Bastiaan
As the gospel of the apostles is in the bible
and the additive books, as to be read
for giving faith.
As the bible is read to give people a
goal in life, or to face all things
happening in life.
As the bible tells of the gospel,
the source of the talks with Jesus Christ.
This dutch article is the gospel
of Andreas Andrew the apostle.
May it be a source of wisdom,
as all gospels are heard of Christ
and later on written down.
As this gospel is an article,
not recorded two thousand years ago
but as a speech given in the mouth
of the Appostle.
The gospel is revealed out of prayer but has the
weak human condition as the normal human appearance
Evangelie Andreas
As all christians receive a disciple or angel
to attend life as mercy.
There is the promise that every angel
or disciple give the mercy in a different way.
As Andreas keeps the faith safe,
and when servants reach a position in life
that they are independent, and fully capable
as some say at thirthy six,
He as disciple gives them to the Lord,
or Allmighty One,
as one of the names of the Lord.
As The gospel is, the servants
first fully learns to live,
and to follow wishes, and try to live
as they keep pure, at that age
are transferred to the Lord,
giving them a feeling tha free will
is less important.
As the theory every angel or disciple
attends the christian mercy in a different way.
As the church, has its source in
a disciple in the time short after Christ.
As well the question to be baptized with
the Holy Spirit, is a prayer to the Lord
himself. As he only attends it.
Without intervention of the church

Prayer to the Archangels
As the patriarchs of angels hearing our whisper
As we know the archangels to be the mightiest angels
of christianity among other religions.
As we know names like Michael, Gabriel, Ariel
and Raphael to be angels.
As each angel has a specific role in
religion, as some fight, some are messengers.
As to praye to the archangels is to say.
Oh Archangels come to my support.
Oh Archangels please judge this
Oh Archangels i ask your attention for this.
As the archangels are like the
patriarchs of population like
Abraham of all the jews.
As Archangels lead all angels
who belong to them in their higher order.
As Archangels have existed for a very long time
and all their deeds and decision are with
utmost wisdom.
As to be guided by an archangel
is to receive the mercy and the protection.
The grace of their light,
To both guard and lead life.
There fore pray to the Archangels.
as to whisper they hear.
As the archangels are
with the power of the Allmighty One
they hear all prayers.

Divine Essence
As in christianity the divine essence is
the Lord with an unspeakable name.
As in Hinduism its called Brahman
the unborn principle.
As in the bible its the
Lord most High, the father
who has no name and no form.
As this is called the divine essence
for its the high source of all
religions and faith systems.
The divine essence is the source
of all religious instruments.
As this essence is
the supreme reality
as source of all gods.
As this essence is
the supreme one,
as the one without second,
as even in the bible
god is named to be the only one
and has no one besides Him.
As sometimes its called
the Supreme Reality,
or the High One.

Salomons ordeal
As the proverbs of salomon were of
astounding wisdom, as to have one proverb
to give meaning to a whole life
As the proverbs of Salomon,
who created a new genre the
one of wisdom in just a few words.
As the proverbs of Salomon
the tree of life consists of prayers.
As the Salomon was having one
in partciular about the two ladies
with one child, being disguised by the other.
The king Salomon was asked to give an ordeal
which of the two ladies was the real mother.
As Salomon said, cut it in two, and give
each a part. as the real mother said
then give it to the other mother.
As Salomon with his wisdom was with might
and understanding, as his ordeal was
by the heart, as the sword going through
showing the intents and foul play.
To ask a Salomons ordeal is a
severe ordeal or judgement
and even important because most
saw it as just one judgment.
As the same kind of ordeal is
when one asks a life-ordeal
by the God or Allmighty One.
As the question is if one has kept
purity and attained the lifegoal.

As the saints attain heaven.
by their virtues and task on earth.
As the life ordeal is to
receive the blessing of a place
in heaven.
as a saint reaches the 'zaligverklaring'
they are affirmed in heaven and to
be in the paradise place there.
As a saint reaches the 'heiligverklaring'
they are affirmed united with
the holy source.
As when an ordeal is being pure
without stain
they receive the blessing
in heaven to pray to the archangels.
As the uniting with the holy source
is for every saint different
some reach by surrendering to the holy source
others by uniting their willpower
or just dissolving in the divine essence.
As to reach a spiritual goal is to say
Oh Lord thy will be done.
as a prayer whispered three times.

Archangel Gabriel
As all the archangels like patriarchs are the head of their
mighty army.
As all the archangels are independent of other
powers or authorities as they have the will of God
living inside of them.
As the Archangels have the suffix el,
to depict their bond with El Shaddai
the Allmighty One or Omnipotence.
As the Archangels all have their work
and service to the Omnipotence
and as they say whispering to them
like prayers to God are heard by them.
As Archangel Michael can be seen
as a migthy king of angels granting
his mercy whose he likes.
As the archangels already exist for thousands of years
the question of education for them is not with meaning
as they already act for long times.
As the Archangel Gabriel,
sometimes seen as a messenger, an instrument.
As he works with word and language
as Michael can as the soldier punish or bless.
As the Archangel Gabriel
grants people the mercy of understanding
as he when called gives wisdom or insight
about their life, their surrounding
and circumstance.
As the man needs both protection and understanding
to keep being safe.
So whne praying to Archangel Gabriel
one receives the blessing of communication
as one receives blessings of words
and blessings of guidance.
Archangel Gabriel to adress can be whispers
like Archangel Gabriel take me in your mercy and protection.
As its allowed to pray to the archangels,
as they say when the angels hear the prayer
they look who speaks or writes them.

Profetie van Zephira
An article in dutch.
De profetie van Zephira probeert een raakvlak te benoemen
tussen religie, wetenschap en de religieuze spreekwijze.
Het is een fictief document dat probeert een inzicht
te beschrijven, die in de mond van een wijsgeer wordt
De profetie van Zephira probeert geen toekomstvoorspelling
te geven, ook geen codes om haar te ontsluiten, maar ziet
wijsheid in eenregelige spreuken en parabels als manier
om ieder een handvat te geven in allerlei
filosofische bedoelingen.
Het zijn dus geen orakels, geen voorwaarden
om naar de hemel te mogen, maar handreikingen
over inzichten. De schrijver heeft zijn eigen inzicht
en is ook menselijk omdat ieder het zijn erin mag zien.
Profetie van Zephira

Consolation of angels
As angels in christianity are in servitude to the Lord
the Lord most high as above earth and all its regions.
As one says, i have hardship which is not
rigthious. as i have suffer without cause.
As one says, i wish for a solution
and it can have its price. in respect
to the religions, law and society.
All the angels which of nature are not
visible have earth in their view.
As to depict the angels as servants
watching over earth.
As these angels fly everywhere
from heaven, earth and hell.
As one has suffer and has its
meaning that its a sacrifice of happiness
or freedom to the religions.
Tell as this suffer i endure is
in favor of the Lord most High,
than angels when judging the sacrifice
is full, they save someone out of misery.
As in hell, when in danger and risk
suffering of attacks of evil from all sides,
when the angels say you have been punished
by being a victim for the things you did yourself,
then they suddenly place a hero on the path
to save him, or to take him from hell to earth
if the total punishment has been endured.
When one does evil or vice,
and take the full punishment
they receive back a normal life
on earth.
As a consolation for all suffer
that the Lord saves one through His angels
when their sacrifice of freedom or happiness
is complete.

Angels and their message
As angels continuously work for the Lord and his holy names.
As the Allmighty one is the sacred name of the Lord.
As all angels there are two kinds.
As one is the birht form never diverted
from the goodness of the Lord
as they never sinned they grow to be
a lighting angel. full of radiance of
the Lord. by Love, Strength and Virtue.
As two kinds, the one is pure in
their birth form, never diverted
thus their willpower is in unity with
the Holy name of the Lord.
As they did not divert they can fullfill
all the tasks the Lord give them
As the second kind,
they let themselves be down
to the existence of normal humans.
as they forget their angelnature
and are vulnerable to everything in
life and on earth,
as they are angels their task is
to keep being pure.
As they keep pure
the source of the holy name
grows in their soul
and as during life they get
unity with the Lord and his holy names.
As during life,
by getting lower unto the normal
human condition they have the chance
to surrender in prayer to the
Holy Names.
As they let down,
and receive the prayer
they are with full unity again
as their willpower is unified.
These two kinds,
the one with their birth form
being unified with the Holy Name
as they never diverted.
The second kind,
as humbly closed to human life
and received after their sacrifice
the surrender to the Holy Names.
As this second kind,
when received the prayer
are unified with the Holy Name.
As they have the boundary the Lord
gives them.
As the chance to surrender in prayer
is a message available on earth
as for all those with love in their heart
to attain or attend.
As this message of surrender
is mercy equal to all
they are legit.
As when attained normal people
will have the source of the
Holy Name too.
As the gods theirselves decide
how a prayer is accepted.
As when angels lower themselves humble to
attain a human life.
They loose all their power they
attained being an angel.
As at birth they forget who they were
and their name is not known in respect
to their life before.
As they only have their own willpower
and their intelligence and existence
They by their own willpower
have to attain their angelpersonality
As they attain the status of angel again
by their own effort they can transgress
from being an angel with power
through a human life back
to be an angel.
As they become angels again
through their own will power
as well have forgotten their
prior existence.
As for the angels its named
they bow down to human existence
to become unified with the gods
at higher level.
As when on earth in a human life
one is forced to use intelligence
at human level.
As angels after their life
regain their angel body,
and by human existence
on higher level.

Archangel Metatron
As we know in christianity the archangels
work for the Lord most High. The father and the trinity.
As the archangels are having a name to their function
as archangel Michael protects goodness
and is able by prayer to support.
As the archangel Gabriel is the messenger
and is teaching with wisdom.
As he is the verbal side of life
as one does not understand or needs wisdom
one can ask Him.
As the other Archangels have their function
as well. in accordance to their name.
The Archangel Metatron is an angel
without many books to explain his
function in the service to the Lord most High.
As the phrase tron refers to a virtual world
in the science fiction books and movies
it is with the prefix meta a virtual reality
in service to the Lord.
As with an explanation of another website
about angels. i understand it as a world
or dreamlike appearance by which souls
are being kept safe.
As they are in high danger, whichever
reason, a crime an accident or any,
and it is sure they will die by it
then metatron can take the soul out
of the body
and bring it in a world made by Him.
As this world is looking like their own life
with all parts of life in it it is to safeguard
the soul.
As in this new reality as it feels religion
has its own meaning, it is not against
religion and not against goodness.
To be in this Metatron reality
is like having a normal life
for the time one is kept there
and all the religious mercy
one attains is really counting.
As one can pray, and within this
world prayers are heard by the Lord
it is almost certain that
if the Lord most High and the other
religious gods like Krishna comply
with it that its an archangel who
presides over this support of Archangels.
As the theory is when after the hardship
one dies, the archangel gives one to
the Lord most High for the life's ordeal
and the normal afterlife heaven.
This Metatron looks like a normal life
as it was in the real reality
and is to save souls from a ending in horror.
The question how this is part in real reality
from the outside is not clear as the archangels
do not share all information about it.

The mercy of the Saviour
As one receives the mercy of the Saviour
as he receives the adept or fainthfull one
in his Holy Kingdom.
He promises to keep them in His hand
without letting them fall out
and he promises to give them the final peace.
As he says i do not give it just
as a gem without meaning.
He says i will fullfill it through
your own hands.
As the politician working and earning
his political name himself
with the invisible leadership of
the Saviour himself.
Thats why his mercy is justified
as he does not give it as a very costly gem
but gives us the tools and the work
to earn it at our own name according
to us being the person with that name.
As the female black judge in america
did not just by magic received her function
but by having he faith in the saviour
did the education, did all the prerequisites
thereby according to worldy judgement
she earned it herself.
As with that explanation in some spiritual
context the saviour is a good sage,
or a good source because when one in
the sphere of time and reality earn it.
they say it is legal as it were their
own hands.

Intuition and sixt cakra
As the sixt cakra intuition is a power
or organ in all humans.
As it gives feelings to be understood
in the reality and heart sphere.
It gives information about
life, the moment, and the surrounding.
As it gives guidance by
wisdom and knowledge in a matter
understood by the soul.
As it gives information
understood withouo time passing by.
As the Creator long ago said
every humans needs a kind of
information source to be
activated by all in the simple manner.
As this was the third eye or intuition
as the information comes from the Creator
as accessable by all.
He grants us the insight of our life
by this simple source.
as it lays in the heart the midst
of reality and our connection with the soul.
As some females use their intuition
and are praised for their deep understanding
even as non logical.
As some person write about their
untuition and are praised for their
wisdom and ethical insight.
This intuition is different
in all persons, but yet the Creator
is the source.
As its avaialable to all the Creator
tells if one attends intuition
one receives the path in reality
and the purpose of life is
in a natural way being fullfilled.
As the Creator gave it for
all humans to attend it
its natural.
Thereby i read in the holy
scriptures that full attendance
the life long grants the religious
Goals to be met also.
by following from moment to moment
and seated in the heart.
it guides both the choices,
the wishes in life,
the understanding of life itself
and the surrounding
with all roles, and functions.
as the third eye is also
the eye of wisdom in some cultures.
as also is said that when children keep pure
they have a special abilty with almost
supernatural characteristics
as sometimes in movies showed.
as this intuition is like a sensory organ
not the familiar five with sight, hearing etc.
but in the same kind of awareness as a
sensory organ.
as the information is not
through the other sensory organs
like sight and hearing
but an organ on itself.
Called the intuition
If to use this information
is to say, i feel that this or that.
or when in other circumstance
one is allowed to use normal speech manner
like i think this, or i remembered that.
As to say the fish in the water
does not know about water.
as a sidenote that this
intuition though one organ
has levels of information
as you can feel not to talk
about a thing you feel.
as this is too from intuition.
as to safeguard ones function
in reality.
Or to prepare a talk
or to address trusted ones
As the intuition as feeling
gives information in a certain manner
and it does not cover all the needs
in intelligent behaviour
its added to the verbal intuition
as the very small voice telling
about life, situation and things
to be learned.
As this voice no one else hears
is a silent one, its verbal intuition
as it gives information by a speech manner
in the same line as feeling intuition
as to use it as guidance.
Learning to speak the information
or knowledge and the questions that arise.
As this verbal intuition can be used to
as a power making decisions.
for example a voice tells in classroom
what things not to understand yet
and what to ask the teacher.
As this verbal intuition
by using it gives more clarity
and is more usefull
as in psychiatry
this verbal intuition
by abjection in youth
turns into voices telling bad names
and saying things giving
very awfull feelings.
By speaking the verbal intuitions
in the right manner according
to social rules it gives the right
use to both life and task.
As this verbal intuition
gives small commands
or advices in the situation
always in the currunt moment.
as it guides the here and now
the heart and the feeling and verbal
as example some in youth find it as
a very usefull method for learning
as they know exact what they not
understand yet.
as verbal intuition
a legal power
and if in doubt to be
measured by loved ones.
as they can judge social
teaching and other skills.
As verbal intuitiojn is the
little voice, as a whisper
no one else hears.
as its in the heart
its the intuition
as not being the mind
or other methods.
as the sense organs of
sight and hearing
this feeling and verbal intuition
is a good method and power
or sense organ.
as some say the third eye,
the eye of understanding
as all kinds of descriptions.
As humans not always used to
active use their intuition
it is to be learned trusting
and using as not many know
how to coach people in it.

Living in unity with the heart
As the heart is our centre with the soul and reality.
As it gives us the feelings of joy and suffer.
and let us recognize our fellow people
and gives in life the wisdom that life
has a purpose.
As to live with heart is to
abject the mind and its function.
As the mind is bound by profit or gain.
and when abjected the heart regains its
form and radiance.
As to be living with heart
is a continious action as
to be in reality and to
feel your intuition
and by the will the active principle
choose how to attend it.
as when feeling something
you choose what to say or do
and how to use this information
As this heart is the centre
of every human, and can be attended
whenever one chooses to.
As a pure heart is someone who
does not think at all,
as for shorter and longer time.
As some people are afraid to
loose their thinking as to feel
insecure if they are safe.
As to live with heart,
one accepts life and does
all which is needed to live
as the lifetask in the heart
unfolds every moment.
As to have a pure heart
is to be in reality always.
As when one in the heart
feels the desire to surrender
to a godhead, and fulfills this
prayer to the godhead
one is accepted by the godhead
and being lead to the abode of this godhead
as all gods share the divine essence
the godhead leads one to the right
place as function of religion.
As some are lead from Christ to Lord most high
and to the Allmighty One
and others are lead from
Krishna to Vishnu and Gayatri.
As being in the abode of the religious
gods, one feels to be carried
as well to feel being taken
in will power granting the ability
to make almost naturally the right
As when the Allmighty One accepts one
he takes over the agentship of life.
As when Krishna takes over,
one feels the unity as being
a child in safe hands.
As when Christ takes over
one feels the security
of Him being the shepherd.
As the surrendered person
is being lead to the right place
according to the gods all being
part of the religious system.
As the Creator has made earth
and all its races, knows all
languages and all countries
are in His creation.
Thereby the gods all are
in his religious system.
granting life to all those
who wish for His mercy.
As when one has a pure heart
and is transferred to the holy
name of the gods.
and did surrender
as they in life have contact
with education and all life themes
have a kind of dirt of the sin of the world
as when surrendered are washed clean of it
as they are pure themselves its not
their sin as they did not divert
and are cleansed of this sins.
as example they accepted
a wrong lesson to talk in a wrong manner
as teached by a family they live in.
As they the sin of the world
is how you are treated by others
without your own guilt.
As one has always good intents
one knows the difference between
causes of the self or of others.
As the religious path is to take
all intents to accept religious mercy
and to serve the lifetask.
as it gives meaning to life.
As one wants to receive a pure heart
one can step on the path when they wish for.
and after a period they grow in mercy.
As its during life, and lifespan in given
as in normal conditions,
this period is in the wisdom of the angels and gods.
As all benefit of religious devotion
is counting according to scriptures.

Goals of Religion and Christianity
As Christ as our saviour is filled with compassion
to all living beings as his mercy is free of costprice.
As Jesus Christ is his Holy name
as the function of both saving people and their soul.
and the blessed and anointed one as in hebrew language.
As the gospel of Jesus Christ will be
regiven in all times as he the one
in the beginning and end.
as those in surrender to Him
are granted the gem of total mercy.
One as being a pure heart and soul
are allowed to ask an life's ordeal
and are blessed by the Holy Name
who takes over their willpower
and by the sermon of the mountain
receives the image of the Holy Lord
as Rembrandt painted, Mozart made music
and Vondel used dutch culture.
As when one is blessed with the Holy Name
they surrender to the Allmigty
and loose their self-interest and are
as humans in order of the Lord endowed
with the same Holy Will as the angels.
as to be asked to the Lord.
As the pure of Heart in the
sermon of the mountain by surrender
receive this precious gift
and the pure of heart surrendered
received this mercy of high wisdom
as i ask the Holy Lord to confirm.
As the main goal of Christ is
to accept the mercy,
and the surrender is to accept
the full mercy.
As to surrender to the Allmigthy
is the highest mercy as this
Holy Name has the power to give
all other mercy, wisdom and chances.
As the Allmighty can be reached
as the proverb
when a ordeal is asked
He witnesses at the lips
and shows his love.
As this ordeal of the Allmighty
is both the highest and most serious
as all with sin in their heart
either selfcaused or other
are in great fear of it.
As in Christian Doctrine
The Saviour promises us
when accepting his Mercy
He at the end of Time
will stand before us to speak us free
as this life's ordeal
is very sincere as it grants
the total mercy or punishment
As the punishment can be as
hard as a disease killing
in a ten minutes time.
As when the ordeal is asked
be attentive for voices
of saints granting the safety
in whichever form.
As its very sincere.
As the goal of the soul
is the Allmighty because
the soul has no name as its
bound to the life
As the goal of life is to
surrender to a god with a given name
as the life and body carry a birth name
As those initiated in hinduism
may attend Krishna or Vishnu
and those Christian may attend
Christ and the Lord most High
As some sages said
these are simple rules
as this prayer is most simple to say
and grants a life long of mercy
as the reward on earth to be
famous after life, and the reward
for the soul to be carried to heaven.
As Christ gives us the mercy
to save our souls, as He asks
us to accept the redemption of our souls.
As to accept the mercy of Christ
is to save our souls.
as he calls us to surrender to
the Allmighty when he sees we
can carry the burden of the duty.
As Christ call our name,
and when we accept the mercy
he measures our capabilty
in both work and life
and gives us the mercy
with the description he gives.
As for some monks its
the Holy Heart,
others the Saviour
The Father Allmighty
and all other roles.
As Christ rewards us
for seeking all kinds of mercy
in His holy kingdom.
As when we work very hard
he blesses us with rewards
as even our surrounding
and society will bless us
for His rewards.

Giving your life to Jesus Christ
As giving your life to Jesus Christ
as one tells to say
Jesus i surrender to you
as life in full is covered by the title I
As in the bible tells that
one gives life to Christ
and receives back into eternal life
As the surrender gives life to
Jesus Christ the period
to the end in life is property of
Jesus Christ
and works to save yourself and others
as his Willpower gives the radiance
of His mercy in life
As its His property he uses it
as the coin Hour of Power tells
its his will and deed in life.
As when life is full, and by life's ordeal
he gives it back, as he promises in the bible
because he in his guidance and shepherd function
did all to fullfill the holy task
through the hands of the person surrendered.
As at life's ordeal he gives back,
as he gave the largest gift
by using it for the holy religion
as he gives it the highest purpose possible.
As christians can give their life to
the Lord as the bible tells.
its in one of the gospels of the disciples.
As one gives life to Him,
in his coordination turns it into
a masterpiece. as we know
of high saints in christian history.
As at life's end he saved the person
and made a masterpiece he at
life's ordeal gives it back
and the person ordealed goes to heaven
As the gift of the religious famous name
on earth after life, and the entrance to
heaven for the person as their soul.
As this is too an equal part of the gospel
as the sermon of the mountain which
is a high gospel about the surrender to Christ
giving the pure heart to see the Lord
the soft to be world leaders,
as well those in agony the support and
the consolation.
As the gospel according to my
insight and prayer.

Gift of life and the bible
As in the bible tells about the gift
of life and the gospel
That when one gives his or her life
to Jesus Christ and part of the trinity
he gives it back and will be a life of eternity.
As in the bible says
when one gives something or gives something up
for the sake of Christ and faith
one receives it a thousand times.
As when one gives his life to Christ
or the Lord most High or the Holy Spirit
one will be blessed by Christ
as he accepts it and gives the full mercy
as He grants it the form and artfull look
of his great wisdom and love.
As to surrender as they say is to
accept the full mercy, as its in his hands.
As when compared to genesis
the tree of eternal life,
an intepretation is that
when one surrenders its the
tree of life granting it.
as Jesus fullfills both
the life and religious goals.
As when fullfilled one earns
the full place of heaven

Declaration of Religions and their intents
In een droom georganiseerd door de United Nations
We all know the declaration of human rights,
as a document about all reasonable laws.
How to get happy, the border of freedom
the right for relationship.
The next important document and its
concilie or council, or gathering is about religion.
As all nations and religions
religions as in constitutions of all nations
may send their best philosophers.
As this gathering is to ponder and decide
which religions are confirmed as legal, just
and by constitution worldwide as allowed for
devotion within the boundary of this document
and gathering.
As all religions in this gathering
are by their philosophers explained to each other
and to see all legal intents of all other parties
or represents.
As its important to call intents the central
word and concept to use in this gathering
as intents binds us to humanity,
as all humans have intents.
intents into actions, intents into prayer.
As this gathering makes a documents
with all allowed religions, their boundaries
in rules, in codes of devotion,
sublists of certain kinds of belief or faith.
As a result a creative commons page gives
a template free to use and print
with for personal people their kind of faith
a symbol, a phrase regarding the type of faith
As this card is personal proof they are legal and just
with their faith.
As on this card their name may be stated,
its for those with faith a support they
are confirmed by their godhead to have this devotion.
As this gathering is prepared by the united nations,
as its very important. there are precautions.
One that on front of their is a list
of all holy names, and for each party allowed
to have either a digital screen or on paperposter
their need for a symbol a holy name,
a protection prayer
as they may have speech time to explain their view,
a couple of minutes for central discussion.
and if needed they may use their proverbs,
parts of their gospel or other text or art
to explain.
As all nations on earth may choose which
religion they want to represent at this gathering
As christian faith may use their gospel
and their parables.
The result is to have all confirmed religions
worldwide as just and legal.
and the dutch proverb:
Alle religies die op de samenkomstplaats worden genoemd
worden in het boek der levenden opgenomen.

Proverbs of mount Kailash
The source of abundance and prosperity
As proverbs always are with a meaning bound
to one line of words or texts.
As proverbs can be a guiding line in all times
as we climb a mountain to attain a goal.
As a mountain always bear a name,
and as a name is bound by which effort
to take to reach the point of either climbing
or walking down.
As this mountain is called Kailash
as its a mountain with a deeper meaning.
As these proverbs are as the light in the night
as its the mountain after which no mountain
is to be climbed.
As the proverbs are in dutch as an author
may choose his language.
As a mountain to be climbed at each step
one chooses which side to choose
which step to make, and which direction
to reach out for the goal.
The proverbs of mountain Kailash
is as a crystal attaining the light.
some say the light of enlightenment
others say the light of lifepurpose
as all name a mountain as the
compass of life. as on all sides
and on all places on earth
one sees this mountain,
from far away, or close by.
there is only one road.
As they say there is only
one road to Mountain Kailash.
Be inspired, Be wonderfull
Be on the road to Mountain Kailash.
Mountain Kailash

The support of my father
Prayers without the gods
As we all know religion to have a kind of communication
beyond the level of the normal world around us.
As the use of prayer is talking or communicating
with that effulgent Creator or godhead.
As we pray we express our wishes, our fears
and our complaints as well our questions.
As we pray for special gifts,
for education or for knowledge.
As we are in danger and ask for a
saviour to come to our relief.
As people without a godhead
or religious devotion sometimes
use method of prayer as being
heard when people are in real
They say like
Oh please father save me,
or Please mother danger overtakes.
As they believe their parents
either in heaven or on earth
can help and support them in
times with the objective ordeal
of danger, panick, pain or other
things unwanted.
As people not aware of prayer
and never allowed or been given
a religious baptism or other
kind of initiation.
As when their parents would be
in heaven their prayer would
be legitimate as their parents
would be in heaven besides the Lord.
As when one hears another praying
or asking parents for support
when we know them to be in
either fear, or suffer,
or danger. They may be adressed
do you like a method of prayer
to relieve of your burden.
As when their question to their
parents are valid, they would like
to have.
As when someone in panick askes for
their parents to be saved of
intense feelings. then its
a legitimate entrance to a
religious relationship with the Lord.

The support of my mother
The mercy of Mother Mary, the immaculate
As in life we all have the chance to
express our wishes, to find our purpose
and to learn how happiness can be in our hearts.
As in life we all have chances to either
get a good job, a relationship
and to have and nurture children.
As all people share the mark
of having a mother and father.
And mothers always forgive
and give chances to grow
As parents also have their faults
but as soon as we have a relationship
ourselves we are under bond with our beloved.
As we know of christians they
without relationship attain the mercy
of Mother Mary, as Rosa Mystica
or any other kind of saintly appearance.
As when a christian without being
in a monestary and lifetask
receives the love of the Creator,
and the Lord most High.
As when you ask them,
are you happy, they say
i'am christian and
fullfilling my lifetask.
As when one is redeemed
at the end of the youth-time
they always gather to the Lord
without the condition of
having a relationship.
As when one attains the
mercy of Mother Mary,
one is in the full support
of the mother.
As when one is christian
the roles by christ
are appointed to the
right level.

Additional mercy Gods Will
Lord Thy will be done
As one can say: May the will of the lord happen
As the first line of the prayer our father is
to affirm the will of the lord
As one says a kind of mercy
is to confirm the will of the lord
as above the own will power.
As in dutch one says
God Almachtige Uw wil geschiede.
De eigen wil wordt dan getrancendeerd
naar de wil van God.
Soms zeggen ze dat het een keer zeggen
al de uitwerking heeft.
As one can try to achieve all kinds
of mercy, and they all have a different
kind of expression.
As to have the will of the lord above
is for the free will the trancending.
As very exactly, the kind of mercy
is in prayer always one of the kinds
as some on my website specifies,
as others i do not know still
are to be found.
As when one achieves a kind of mercy
that part becomes a fruitfull part
of christian mercy. as part of the kingdom
of the Lord.
As one can say to choose to give life
or part of life to the Lord
as to trancend it.
As Christ is not against any religion
as they all serve the holy name of the Lord.
But as religions all have conditions
they all have a kind of prerequisite.
as Christ not only forgives but also
turns towards goodness is an easy
kind of mercy to attain.
As he promises to use all parts
in his hands for the good of it.
As to attain mercy is to pray
about it and ask which is the good
for the person.
As the great promise of the
Our father prayer if you are sincere
to have gods will above
the other lines are a kind
of promise for the person

All Archangels coming near
Pure friendship for an instrument of choice
As we know of the archangels
as Gabriel gave parable that
a seven fathers were with their twoyear infants
in the library
as one wondered to have the child
either the wisest book,
the nicest childrenalbum
or the choice of the child.
As the other six were giving their
infants full time to play even without
the meaning of life.
As archangel Michael rewarded
a heroic deed with his mercy
even to give to the ring of friends.
As archangel Barachiel asked
by a lady to bow down in reverence.
As i saw the archangel of Jacob the Israel
to have its nation in the kingdom
of the holy race,
As holy not needing any location or place.
As holy being everywhere endowed with
unalienable rights, meaning citizenship.
As i saw archangel Ismael,
as the soft angel never seeking fight.
as peacefull ladies and men, without a mark as right
As all archangels a place to be,
never out of their power as to agree.
And their location known
by all citizens as to see.
As when one says i wash my clothes
at home with Ariel.
and one tells say Intuition Lionheart
each day. we seek angel Ariel to be.
As all archangels have their gospel
nearby an angels place.
As to travel the land of angels
the seraphim received the highest blessing
and still the eternal reward to see.
As the cherub, the little boys and girls
as to have a childs view yet gods
commands as the full message to view.
All archangels have a location,
a message of mercy
and the conditions to
get to know them.
As information of confidence and proof.

Holy Race
Jews and old bible
As i had an insight about the bible and the kind
of subjects and themes regarding the source of Christ.
As the jews, their patriarch is Abraham.
As he and isaac, and jakob his childeren
and grand children.
As jakob was in fight with the Godhead,
and his name became Israel.
As the meaning of Israel regarding the postfix El
is regarding El Shaddai as the Allmighty One.
As he as patriarch the source of a whole
new race, as he might have millions or billions
of grandchildren.
As he or Joseph, had a dream about being
in space, and on earth a race of as many
as grain of sands at a river or oceanshore.
As we can correlate it with the idea that
we called them a couple of centuries ago
the diaspora.
As when i look in the future, and see the
human race with thousands of planets,
and most people or races or nations
only have one planet as both their birthplanet
as well their homeground.
As these jews, as Abraham made it the
holy race by his covenant with the godhead
of the bible. as in old testament.
As to say the title diaspora is by
being their ground not on one planet
not in one country, but everywhere
as Abraham made it holy, their birthground
can be everywhere.
As most people and nations, one planet
maybe a couple billion people
and this holy race, the many of it.
As the holy race, billions of people
multiple and quantiple of it.
Yes on many planets, and yes the
most important societal functions.
As a vision of the hoyl race, call
Israel their archangel, call Abraham
their patriarch.
As most nations have a billion of people
and the holy one, multiple or quantiply
of billion people.
As a vision, i hope not to hurt feelings,
not to give information to have hard times myself.
As the title diaspora, in space,
the only nation or race with
billions and billions of people
and more than the usual one planet
to live on, yes more than a thousand.
yes everywhere, their name the only
one everywhere recognized.
As a note the usual race a five billion
and one homeplanet. And the holy race
a fourty billion on all planets
With their citizens at local place

Synoptic sound
The gospel of oldest religions called the spring of time
Usualy a sound is music and only hearable
excpet at the synoptic sound you refer
to the thirst of the soul.
As every soul want to be happy and filled with serenity.
As every soul wishes a life full with meaning
And with every mistake being healed by the fruits of karma
As the synoptic sound comparable to religion
is the factor of either happiness for yourself
or the beloved ones around you.
The synoptic sound is the method to receive
a source of grace, embrace, and love.
The synoptic sound can only be received
by descriibng all waypoints toward it.
As we seek our goal and purpose.
And with the wrong direction we choose
a goal we cannot discern with our small
ruler with only ten numbers.
As the source of time,
is the highest waypoint
The source of time,
chooses the highest instruments
to be giving the waypoints.
The source of time,
the oldest religions are closest
to that source, as it keeps for eternity.
The source of time,
chooses each period and transition
to have kind of personality,
accompanieng with this source.
As the source of time tells.
An instrument may add his color
to life, and his message.
as clearly as a picture.
even when said metaphorically.
As the source of time tells,
no one is guilty when not knowing
a source of purpose does not give happiness.
As the source of time tells,
the oldest religion points to
the goal itself, called the higher reality,
with the spring tha sands of time itself
being the ultimate goal to reach out for.
As the source of time,
the oldest religions still valid
choose an instrument, in reality, a real one.
As the name of the person is given at birth
it will never change becoming an instrument.
As the name of the person, has the mark
of a visible life, all stains keep valid in life.
As an instrument has the purpose of time
by surrendering to the religious sources,
gods, goddesses, angels, archangels and
the abstract form of ideals.
As the synoptic sound, is to be found
by the use of these all arguments.
And to say in short.
Surrender to a Godhead feeling as favourite.
As religion proofs, and gives proof
by the use of those sailing the ocean
to new shores, finding eastern crystals
yes at my coast.

As someone asks how do angels feel their life.
As there are three parts,
the will, and its purpose
the wishes and its interest
and the intuition feeling layer.
As the will in humans is free will
to decide to do this,
to start a venture
tosay certain things
and to have a daily life
with all its parts.
even the choice what to
drink like tea or coffee.
the wishes in humans
are i want to buy a television
or i want a vacation
as all people know the place
and meaning of it.
As persons have intuition
and it gives information
aobut their social situation
and all the life and its worries.
As for humans these three parts
are very vivid, and located
in the heart and the soul.
As when the question if an angel
would have a human body
or a kind of function.
For an angel free will is formed
by gods will, they might feel the same
as free will, but instead of their interest
the will of god. or gods.
As an angel has also wishes,
but not his own wishes, but
gods wishes. as the same mannner
as a person feels his wishes.
As an angel has gods wishes
he can work to earn money
or do the work to achieve this wishes
As an angel has the wishes of
the godhead, its a middlelong term
of the gods will kind
as gods will is for the moment
and the work and attending life
as the wishes to have a goal and
to have themes above daily life
as the third the intuition
is the feeling of what others
do and their interest
about your own life
important issues
the whole life and all
its so called knowledge.
As for angels the intuition
gives information important
to be an angel and do the work
as they are in human conditions
they receive in the same manner
information about their reality.
The difference between an angel
and a human is an angel surrendered
to a godhead, or goddess.
As when angels get born their
life is already with the hardships
and stains of life, so the gods
have both the interest of their kingdom
and of the person.
As to have a job is to be secured
in salary and the gods can choose
how to reward.
As angels can appear everywhere
and are already with a daily duty
the gods add life to that current
As angels are not depending on gender
on any requisite as to surrender
is already a condition.
So say i surrender to a godhead of choice.
as the promise those three parts are
being visible in life for the person
himself or herself.
As on my account people may
use the prayer to surrender to a godhead
or goddess as the religions named
in generic constitutions.
As the godheads decide to accept someone
its their decision how to handle a prayer

Chinese Dragons
As the chinese culture speaks of dragons,
as a the mythical guardians of a society based
one the chinese language.
As some symbols in the language depict
the values and virtues of the higher kind.
As happiness, harmony and the others
all are favourite as one chooses which
one to have as the guide and guidance in life.
As the dragons are the symbol of peace
and serenity even though daily life and struggle
sometimes take away the feeling of happiness,
and the circumstances of life to be in a kind of suffer
hardship or any other kind of hardness.
As the dragons are the guides that give wisdom
its respected place, and the love for family
loved ones, and the use of a job and workload
to have the society as its centre of existence.
As we love our forefathers, our ancestors,
we love our beloved ones, and even care
for children, elderly. And with the grace
of a religion tradition, or even a dragon
without a name.
The use of dragons is a myth of long ago
as all races have their ground and source
in a tradition as chinese is a language based
one a principle.
To have the mercy of a dragon is the
silent guide getting away hardship, and
if needed the hardship with the support
of a higher kind, named the guidance
of a dragon.
As the visible dragon with a color
depict its virtue, as this golden color
is the color of happiness, as given to those
who always choose the happiness as feeling
to measure life, to measure wishes and goals.
As everyone chooses a virtue or value,
and happiness is the one for the moment to
everlast seek peace, serenity, happiness.
As the blessing of the dragons are to be
of homeground, either place, language
or those in the tradition.
So with respect to the chinese culture
a small token of friendship for their tradition
As i add, the picture of the dragon i
as a image received. May love be blessed.


Archangel Joel
The name of archangel Joel,
means the name of Jehovah the personal name of the Lord
is the name of the Lord.
As all angels have a name of the Lord
as one of their visible features.
As Michael means the Allmighty One is the Lord
or the Lord is Allmighty.
as he uses his power to sustain order,
and to have his order treat all diverts.
As The Allmigthy One,
the prince of Angels Michael
is the one leading the Order
as a King would, except he is a prince
as God is King himself.
As archangel Joel,
is the personal name of the Lord
giving radiance to the lovely,
friendly, peacefully, compassion,
and all the good virtues of Him.
as the personal name also is the name
of the good qualities of the soul,
the heart and the character.
As archangel Joel,
the personal name of the Lord is his Name.
As one would have one of his names,
is protected by that name.
As the lovely they give room for his
personal guidance, and to be peacefull,
even when surroundings are in
different feelings or actions.
To receive love of Joel,
is to receive love of Jehovah,
as even no church-memebrship
or other rituals are required
to be by this name as part of your birthname
guided and part.
As Joel, as a prophet lived on earth,
and had a specific message, but yet
all those saints behind and after him
having his name bound to their own,
they then receive His mercy,
as all those saints and their names
are in ground and root by His name.
So having a birth name gives
the mercy of his angel name Joel.
As archangels have the highest bodies
in christian teachings
as invulnerable, invisible
but radiating the light of the name
they carry in their inner soul.
as Joel, the archangel saying
Jehovah is the name of the Lord.
As all angels have a name of the Lord
connected to their inner.
as their free will, is in their angel name
the will of that name.

The art of Angali
As we all love to be teached by
education in the youth, to attain
a respected life position.
As we all love to be teached by
wisdom in life, as to attain
a status for the soul of high interest.
As we all love our beloved ones,
for their love, peace, protection
and their personal care.
As we all love to be part of
humanity, just for living and life.
As we all love to do good,
to attain happiness,
even to be a goal or purpose
not understood.
As we all are part of time
as a continuum without words,
but yet existing as a flow
we do feel every moment.
As we all are part of reality
and its sacred name Brahman.
The Angali as mother Time,
The Angali as the sacred title
As words depict a meaning
and by meaning a point of view
or a pointer.
As a holy language Sanskrit,
depicts not by insight
but a single concept never changed.
The Art of Angali,
a document or a writing,
a specific source of prayer
wisdom and peace.
As this book is named as
Angali Art Book

As the document of our own life, living and existence
as we call Gaya our earth as our mother,
and the sun the solar orb our source of the soul
As to have a document with this title
is the Solar principle,
and the guidance of our Earth.
As the document has the
direct guidance to give as
to be given as everyone knows
looking at the sun in the summer
or spring is giving our soul the joy,
As to be seen as we have a moment
of rest, tranquility or serenity.
So keep everyday a moment or longer
to look at our solar orb
or just to give mother earth
our attention.
The document as the solarprinciple
is giving its insights as we love
to have a deeper understanding
at every subject of our life,
our living and our existence.
As to be inspired is to
have a document as the name
the solarprinciple.
so keep this document
as the centre of the solarprinciple.
as the workname is the solarprince.
Solar Principle
As wisdom is our guide,
as joy is our reward,
as energy is our source,
and we are our destiny

The force of Brahmi
As life intervenes in the purpose of a child to
choose a favourite job.
As life intervenes as all dreams about love
friendship and romantics change
when houseconflicts take away the harmony
as even children caring for choose a different side
As life intervenes and danger or suffer
appears in the daily life without telling its interest
as danger or suffer calls for a goal or purpose
to seek happiness in theme's not
being regarded in the past as a special interest.
As life intervenes and religion calls for
its devotion, by rituals prayers or the kind
of philantrophy and other good deeds.
As life intervenes and suffer calls for
compassion and the compassion to show others
the same support as well.
As life intervenes and by suffer or deforment
one takes place at level of rights of the sick
poor and any kind of demeanority.
As life always is about the wishes
of the heart and during life to work
as to work gives its salary
to spend on loved ones.
As this document is a description
as to call the force of Brahmi
the female force of the hindu god Brahma
Where Brahma is active and fills life
with all obligations, plight and all
kinds of labor.
As Brahmi as the female force
is the source of all surrender
and all selfless service.
as a mother always say
you can keep talking,
and we solve the problems
the harmonious way.
as a father sets a line
and calls for prestige
to be the purpose of
being endowed with the
respect of the parents
and forefathers.
As all boys girls
and adults choose
the level to be supported
one calls for carreer
and respect of the father
the other calls for
support, love, and compassion
as to be in the hands of virtue
like a mother cares
for children society
and all levels needing its
The document
The force of Brahmi:
The Force of Brahmi

Zilver engelen guardian angels
Zoals ieder mens bij geboorte door ouders
in liefde worden opgevangen en dan
in de jeugd door de opvoeding
in de samenleving een volwaardige functie
Zo heeft ieder mens bij leven een beschermengel
soms geven zij een toegang tot een godsdienst
of religie,
waarbij het op aarde niet ongewoon
is om ook gedoopt te worden
of in de vroege jeugd al kennis
te maken met een godheid of godin
welke taal men ook spreekt
en welke namen er ook aan gegeven worden.
Zo heeft ieder mens een beschermengel
die onzichtbaar als een macht die zowel
gunst als straf geeft, maar ook
in de genade van de persoon
soms bijstuurt, of beschermt tegen
allerlei gevaren.
Zo heeft volgens de theorie
alle wezens in het universum
en de werkelijkheid een beschermengel.
Wanneer wij de genade vragen aan onze
beschermengel die zonder naam en zonder vorm
die functie heeft stellen wij ons open
om vanaf ieder punt in het leven weer
de goede weg op te gaan,
waar wij geboren worden met karma
kan een beschermengel dat pad
weer openen, en soms zelfs
allerlei gevaren ontkomen
zoals we soms op een route
door een klein bergpaadje
alsnog weer onze tocht vervolgen.
De genade van bescherm engelen
is altijd persoonlijk
omdat iedereen er een heeft.
Ze hebben geen naam zodat
je niet kan zeggen hij doet zus of zo
en ze hebben geen vorm
men kan er geen karakter aan toeschrijven.
Het boek over beschermengelen
in deze serie is een boek
met artikelen over belanghebbende
spirituele onderwerpen.
Je bescherm engel in het leven alles toestaan
of de leiding geven is dan een beginstap.
Zilver engel Boek